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Bridging the best aquaculture practices from the world to SEA

"By 2030, Asia will be home to an additional 250M people"


PWC, Temasek & Rabobank Joint Report


We need to produce 70% more food in the next 10 years

Pwc, Rabobank, Temasek Joint Report

80% of our food comes from the 100M ASEAN small time farmers. Traditional farming methods are unlikely to catch up with the expected food demand.

Our mission is to empower aquaculture farmers with the best practices & innovation to 10x their growth

Only 2.5% of our farmers today are going digital.

GrowAsia at WEC Forum

The danger of our future food security is real especially when industrial systems used today are expensive and out of reach of these small farmers. It is critical that we innovate them so that they can grow 100x to feed our future population.

Introducing D'Floc in a Box


Low Cost Industrial Aquaculture Farming System Powered By Technology

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Mobile First Control System


Modular Aquaculture Tanks Powered by IOT

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Low Cost Wastewater Treatment
Using Microbes known as Biofloc Technology

Benefits of D'Floc


Reduced Mortality Rate of Livestock


Higher Production Output


Return of Income


Reduced set up cost of development


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We will reply as soon as we can.

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